Your essential guide to Design, User Experience, Education, Leadership, and Community Building.

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2024 Design Conferences List

2023 Design Conferences List

2023 Dotted Paper Book List

2023 Dotted Paper Podcast List

2023 Dotted Paper People You Might Want To Follow List

2023 Dotted Paper Movie List

Companies with XD Teams in UY

Design, Medium, Design Systems & Styleguides

AI List

Where to go for techniques?

Design Processes

Icon Sets

FigJam Plugins & Widgets

Uruguayans Who Design


2024 XD UY Job Board

2023 XD UY Job Board

30 Remote Job Sources

On Leadership

Design Leadership

On Behavior

Behavior: Insights, Biases & Principles

Expand on Education

XD Education

UXUY Student Directory

Mentee Directory

My Shelves

Nurture the WP Community

Uruguayans Who WordPress

WordPress en Español

Expanding Communities

XD LinkedIn Groups & Slack Workspaces

Looking for Mentorship?

Sessions are open every Monday, Tuesday, and Friday in 30-minute slots from:

▸ 6 to 8 pm GMT-3 ▸ 4 to 6 pm EST/EDT ▸ 1 to 3 pm PST/PDT

Go ahead and book your slot at ADPList

And from May on you can also book your slots every Tuesday and Thursday from:

▸ 8 to 9 am GMT-3

Written Thoughts

Perfect is the Enemy of Good: A Designer's Tale of Letting Go and Leveling Up

From Casual Chats to Community Catalysts: The XD Social Club's Design Revolution

Dinner with Design Leaders: How Setting the Table Sparks Innovation and Growth

Navigating Leadership, Attachment, and Self-Care: A Personal Journey from Coffee to the ER

When A Deep Wise Voice Gently Puts You In Your Place - Dotted Paper Newsletter - July 2024

The Near-Death Experience And The Truth Teller - Dotted Paper Newsletter - June 2024

Leadership in times of change - Dotted Paper Newsletter - November 2023

Local, Regional, Global - Dotted Paper Newsletter - July 2023

Unlock the Power of Conferences, Networking, Resumes and Portfolios. Know the Artifacts that Help you Land that Job You Want.

The Power of Communities, Building Relationships and Mapping the History of Design

A new beginning. Contributions to a growing community - Dotted Paper Newsletter - January 2023

The Matrix Syndrome. Reflections on how we learn UX Design or anything else - Dotted Paper Newsletter - November 2022

Why a solid support system is vital for professional growth - Bootcamp - August 2022

Uruguayans Who Design - UX Collective - August 2020

Know the magic behind Lego and how it will help you design better software - Prototypr - December 2017


UXUY: Genesis, State & Future.

Liderança em tempos de mudança

Recordings and Articles on Talks & Panels

XD Social Club Podcast - Ep. 1 - Design Communities - August 2024

Desafíos de la Educación de Diseño - LinkedIn - Diciembre 2023Desafíos de la Educación de Diseño - YouTube - Diciembre 2023

Liderança em tempos de mudança - YouTube - Charla en español - Noviembre 2023

Liderança em tempos de mudança - UXCONFBR23 - Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil - October, 2023

Poner el foco en lo que te hace ser un mejor diseñador - Podcast - 15 Minutos de Diseño - Junio 2023 - Matías Villagrán

¿Cómo comercializar Diseño UX? - Junio 2023 - CDU - Cámara de Diseño del Uruguay

→ Leading During Times of Change - June 2023 - Blink UX - Nic Minard

UX in Uruguay: Genesis, State & Future - FADU UdelaR - March 2023 - Video YouTube

Should you include a Design Challenge in the Interview Process?

El estado de la educación en UX - UXBS Podcast - Cristobal Lemonie - Enero 2023El estado de la educación en UX - UXBS Podcast - Cristobal Lemonie - Enero 2023 - Video YouTube

DLF Roundtable: Design Leadership en LATAM

UMO Design Juror DXS22

Panel: Mental Health. Overcome Your Inner Critic | ADPList BeMore Festival ‘22

Voces Del Diseño - Episodio 2 - Andrés Richero

2019 - Disertantes Campus Party

2019 - ILA19 Redux

IxDA Montevideo - Procesos y diseño de plataformas

2017 - Experiencias del habitante digital - MAPA